I am new here, less than 40 comments so far. I don't recall having read anything from OOMPA in the short time I have been here. Nonetheless I feel it is a very tragic event when someone as young as he takes his life. My sincere condolences to those who knew him and loved him.
It may not be the most appropriate time to say what I am going to say, but I feel is relevant. What evidence do any of you have that the WTS is the cause of this tragedy? A lot of people are, or are prone to be, mentally imbalanced. The imbalance could be traced to genetics, chemistry, what have you. Those mentally imbalanced are also more prone to embrace cults such as WTS. My point is: aren't we putting too much blame on the WTS for the suicides commited. It's not that JW's are exclusively targetting people with emotional/mental problems. As far I know they want to recruit anyone. It just happens that the most vulnerable are their main victims. Namely, children, ingenuous people, uneducated individuals and yes, people with emotional/mental problems. I know he was a born-in, but how do we know that he wouldn't have commited suicide had he been born under different circumstances too. I know almost nothing about OOMPA, but is it possible that his suicide could have just as easily been triggered by some other "disappointment". Or, if he had escaped alive this time, he wouldn't try it again because the love of his life rejected him, or his boss fire him unfairly.